2015: International Year of Light
Special Symposium on "X-ray Microscopy and Magnetism"
(organized by Hendrik Ohldag, Stanford)- Frithjof Nolting (SLS, Villigen)
"X-PEEM studies of magnetic nanoparticles and oxide heterostructures" - Stefano Bonetti (Stockholm)
"Imaging spin currents and spin waves at the nanoscale" - Guido Meier (Hamburg)
"Transmission x-ray microscopy of magnetic nanostructures" - Andreas Schmid (LBNL, Berkeley)
"PEEM and SPLEEM to investigate and tailor chiral magnetism"
- Frithjof Nolting (SLS, Villigen)
Special Session "Magnetism by Light"
(organized by Andrzej Maziewski, Białystok)- Markus Munzenberg (Greifswald)
"Ultrafast dynamics of spins and spin currents in magnetic storage and spintronic devices" - Andrei Kirilyuk (Nijmegen)
"The role of exchange interaction in all-optical magnetic switching in thin films and multilayers" - Stephane Mangin (Nancy)
"All-optical control of ferromagnetic thin films and nanostructures"
- Markus Munzenberg (Greifswald)
Thin film and multilayer magnetism
- Tomasz Ślęzak (Kraków)
"Resolving the complex spin structures with Nuclear Resonant Scattering" - Maciej Sawicki (Warszawa)
"(Ga,Mn)N - an insulating ferromagnet: phase diagram and critical behaviour"
Surface and interface magnetism
- Khalil Zakeri (Halle)
"Probing of the magnetic exchange interaction at interfaces by magnon spectroscopy" - Henk Swagten (Eindhoven)
"Novel ways to address interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions"
Spin-currents and spin-Hall effect
- Axel Hoffmann (Argonne)
"Magnetization dynamics driven by Spin-Hall effects" - Georg Woltersdorf (Halle)
"Spin-Hall effect in metallic multilayers" - Kevin Garello (Zurich)
"Ultrafast magnetization switching by spin-orbit torques"
- David Cahill (Urbana)
"Thermal spin transfer torque driven by ultrafast heat flow in metallic spin-valve structures" - Matthias Althammer (Garching)
"Pure spin currents in ferromagnetic insulator / normal metal hybrids"
- Silvia Tacchi (Perugia)
"Brillouin Light Scattering studies of two-dimensional magnonic crystals"
Domains and domain walls
- Geoffrey Beach (Cambridge)
"Chiral domain walls in ultrathin films"
Magneto-electric and magneto-elastic effects
- Takayuki Nozaki (Tsukuba)
"Voltage-control of magnetic anisotropy: What's the next target?"
Skyrmions and vortices
- Albert Fert (Paris)
- Kirsten von Bergmann (Hamburg)
"Interface-induced magnetic skyrmions studied with spin-polarized STM"
Graphen, topological insulators and related materials
- Josef Barnaś (Poznań)
"Spin-orbit effects in graphene and related 2D materials"
Antiferromagnetism and antiferromagnetic spintronics
- Tomas Jungwirth (Prague)
"Antiferromagnetic spintronics"
Nano and micromagnetism
- Laura Heyderman (Villigen)
"Recent advances in artificial ferroic systems" - Riccardo Hertel (Strasbourg)
"Ultrafast domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanotubes and nanowires"
Molecular magnets and molecular spintronics
- Peter Oppeneer (Uppsala)
"Spin-bearing molecules on magnetic substrates: Theory of exchange interaction and spin switching" - Wolfgang Kuch (Berlin)
"Controlling the magnetism of adsorbed metal-organic molecules"
Magnetic devices
- Julie Grollier (Palaiseau)
"Spin-torque nanodevices for bio-inspired computing"